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Top Essay Writing Dilemmas and Solutions


Essay writing can become a daunting task even if you love writing. It demands quality time and persistent effort to produce a high-quality composition. Every step in the essay writing process is crucial. That is the reason students find struggle with essay writing requirements and often hand over their work to online essay writer services to lessen their burden. 

Most students encounter difficulty in each step of writing an effective essay from choosing a great essay topic to editing the final draft. 

Here are some common dilemmas and their solutions for writing a top-notch essay. 

  • A Boring Topic

The primary requirement in essay writing is that the selected subject should be exciting and interesting. An essay writer is usually an amusing or humorous story based on a person’s own experience and sometimes their imagination. Having an interesting topic will help you keep the writing process enjoyable throughout. 

The best solution is to read, observe and check out for potential topics to find the one that might stand out. 

  • A Weak Thesis Statement 

The primary purpose of essays is to inform and persuade readers. A thesis statement contains the main argument of an essay that the writer intends to prove. Having a week thesis statement makes the whole essay immaterial. 

The solution is to avoid using mere opinions and already accepted facts as an argument rather than something new and debatable. 

  • Inefficient Opening Lines 

Dull introductory lines are enough to push the reader away. Long starting paragraphs also piss the reader off. An interesting introductory paragraph is required to grab the reader’s attention from the start to leave them with no other option then to read the entire writing piece. 

The solution to this problem is to use powerful words and attention-grabbing statistics at the start. 

  • Not Using Evidence Properly

Including the irrelevant evidence makes the entire reading process a waste of time.  Poorly researched evidence and arguments prove nothing. 

The only solution to this problem is taking time and looking for credible and up to date research material.  In case you’re still facing difficulty in writing, it’s better to contact companies that will cater all your write my essay requests instead of risking your grade.

  • Illogical Structure 

An unorganized structure will fail to communicate the ideas and thoughts clearly to its readers. 

To overcome this, it is important to create a rough outline and arrange the ideas before starting the writing process. 

Students face a lot of challenges in the essay writing service. No doubt, it is a difficult but rewarding task. The only challenge is whether the writer is up to the challenge or not!